I love my name's meaning and pronunciation.
I really enjoy the moments people try so hard to remember and to pronounce my name.
I do a lots of works inspired by my name.
I want to design my business card,and I thought of capturing every frame when I spoke my name. Suddenly,this idea triggered my anther idea,which is to print out every frame then paste onto the wall.
When people thinking about to display a work of sound art,they try so hard to underline,indicate there must be sound.So they place media which contain sound martial(like stereos,microphones,TV-sets,radios)
For me,this is too narrative.
Therefor, I want to paste those frames onto the wall,which is my name's pronunciation.When people coming to the hall,they may not understand immediately.The sound actually extract from the situation.
There's no sound in the hall but I'm saying the sound and I'm showing them in silence way.
